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Frie, Arndt & Danborn Blog

Declarations for After Death

by Bob Frie

Disposition of Last Remains Declarations
You have the right and power to direct the disposition of your last remains. Colorado laws provides protection from individuals who may try to impose their views over your stated wishes. You may make this declaration in a will; prepaid funeral, burial, or cremation contract; Medical Power of attorney; Designated Beneficiary Agreement; or Living Will. The declaration may cover disposition (cremation, burial, entombment) and ceremonial instructions, and must be signed and dated by you. If you do not make a declaration, your Personal Representative, spouse, designated beneficiary, adult children, parents, guardian, conservator, majority of adult siblings, then any person willing to pay your funeral expenses gets to decide for you.


Arlington National Cemetery Spring 2010


Organ and Tissue Donation Declarations
You may make a declaration regarding organ and tissue donation in a stand-alone document, Living Will, or on your driver’s license. You may give specific direction as to who should benefit from the donation, and may even give certain individuals, such as family members a preference. If you do not make a declaration, your agent, spouse, adult children, parents, adult siblings, adult grandchildren, grandparents, caregiver, or your guardian, if applicable gets to decide whether or not to make an organ and/or tissue donation.”

Thanks to the Colorado Bar Association for preparing this concise information.

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